Bom galera tenho uma dúvida sobre restart round queria saber como faço pra colocar restart round no amxmodmenu/comandos do servidor, se tiver como, como faço pra colocar? Obrigado.
Da onde vi: Ready to Kill.
Da onde vi: Ready to Kill.
; Menu configuration file
; File location: $moddir/addons/amxmodx/configs/cmds.ini
; To use with Commands Menu plugin
; NOTE: By default in all settings the access level is set to "u".
; However you can change that, to limit the access to some settings.
; Commands Menu: ; < description > < command > < flags > < access level >
; "a" - execute from server console
; "b" - execute from admin console
; "c" - execute on all clients
; "d" - back to menu when executed
"Pausar" "amx_pause" "ad" "u"
"Reiniciar round" "sv_restartround 1" "ad" "u"
"Expulsar jogador" "amx_kick #%userid%" "abd" "u"
"Dar porrada" "amx_slay #%userid%" "abd" "u"
"Porrada 1 de dano." "amx_slap #%userid% 1" "abd" "u"
"Banir por 5 minutos" "amx_ban #%userid% 5" "abd" "u"