por bebe^ 16/7/2012, 7:00 pm
zp_vip_jumps 2 // How many jumps can player do in air.
zp_vip_allow_jump a // Allow multi-jump: a-human. b-zombie, c-survivor, d-nemesis. Write letters of classes witch you want to affect.
zp_vip_armor 100 // How much armour humans gets every spawn, [0-off]
zp_vip_killammo 1 // Extra ammo for kills [zombies and humans], [0-off]
zp_vip_infectammo 1 // Extra ammo for infecting humans [zombies], [0-off]
zp_vip_infecthealth 100 // Extra health witch zombies gets when infecting humans [0-off]
zp_vip_nemextra 1 // 1 - ignore extra health (zp_vip_infecthealth) for nemesis [0-don't ignore]
zp_vip_show 1 // Show connecting vips (in chat) [0-off]
zp_vip_unlimited_ammo 0 // 1 - Give vips unlimited clip for all guns [0-off]
zp_vip_no_fall_damage 0 // 1 - Disables fall damage for vips [0-off]
zp_vip_damage_reward 1000 // Damage done to get 1 ammo pack [0-off]. IMPORTANT: ZP mod always givving ammo in this type(If enabled). This cvar is seperate from main mod, so vips gets x2 ammo packs. One from mod, other from this plugin.
zp_vip_damage_increase 1.2 // How much increase humans attack demage (damage*cvar). [1.0 - off]
zp_vip_happy_hour off // Enables Happy Hour. Example: (zp_vip_hour 03-13) from 3h night, to 13h day. ['off' - off]
zp_vip_happy_hour_frag 1 // Gives extra frag for kills and infect
zp_vip_happy_hour_ammo 1 // Gives extra ammo packet for infect and kills
zp_vip_nonvip_tease 1 // Let non vip player open /vm menu, but they can't buy anything.
FOI ESSE "zp_vip_no_fall_damage 0 // 1 - Disables fall damage for vips [0-off]" TAVA ACIONADO AI EU DESATIVEI