priimeira mente queria que alguem veja meus plugins pq nt a dando pra por o swarm e eu acho q e incompartibilidade ae alguem ve e fala qual ta causando isso tipo eu ponho o swarm ae o cs fecha na hora q eu entro no jogo pf alguem ajuda vo postar sma do swarm + os plugins abaixo.
plugins zplague
; - Quick tips -
; * Rename this file to disabled-zplague.ini to turn the mod off
; * Rename it back to plugins-zplague.ini to turn it on
; * Put a semi-colon in front of a plugin to disable it
; * Remove a semi-colon to re-enable a plugin
; * Add the word debug after a plugin to place it in debug mode
; Main plugin
; Default zombie classes
; Add custom game modes here
; Add sub-plugins, custom zombie classes, and extra items here
;----------------------------complementos dos plugins----------------------------;
compile.amxx ;|| tags para all
lasermine_023.amxx ;|| mina a laser =D
zm_thundercarabine.amxx ;|| upar arma sem bug
zp_zm-hm_kill_drop_ap_no-glow.amxx ;|| galinha que dropa ammopack
extra_precacher.amxx ;|| precache
;zp_countdown_remix.amxx ;|| contagem para infeccao
;Sistema_de_registro_2.0 ;|| banco de ammopacks
;AdminPrefixes.amxx ;|| tags
;AdminPrefixes_WHITE_CHAT.amxx ;|| tags
ve se ta dando incompartibilidade com algum aee
a e eu queria tambem um item extra de colete pq oq eu tenho ake e bugado tipo eu compro o colete ae só vem 10 ae eu compro + e fica no 10 so q vai gastando os pack pf ajuda..
e eu queria tbm plugin de survivor e nemesis separadamente pq o q eu tenho ta bugado quando eu compro survivor fala que eu comprei nemesis so que vem o survivor e tbm o nemesis da pra comprar a qualquer hora do jogo quando vira zm e tals alguem ajuda ae porfavor...
@edit o colete eu ja resolvi agora falta os outros alguem me ajuda plz
Última edição por godswar129 em 25/6/2012, 6:25 pm, editado 1 vez(es)
// Zombie Attributes
new const zclass_name[] = "Swarm Zombie" // name
new const zclass_info[] = "You can only Kill/Hurt" // description
new const zclass_model[] = "zombie_source" // model
new const zclass_clawmodel[] = "v_knife_zombie.mdl" // claw model
const zclass_health = 1800 // health
const zclass_speed = 190 // speed
const Float:zclass_gravity = 1.0 // gravity
const Float:zclass_knockback = 1.0 // knockback
Customization ends here! Yes, that's it. Editing anything beyond
here is not officially supported. Proceed at your own risk...
// Variables
new g_iSwarmZID, g_iMaxPlayers, g_msgSayText
// Cvar pointers
new cvar_dmgmult, cvar_surv_dmgmult, cvar_blockinfbomb_infect
// Cached cvars
new bool:g_bCvar_Infbomb_Infect, Float:g_flCvar_DmgMult, Float:g_flCvar_SurvDmgMult
// Bools
new bool:g_bIsConnected[33], bool:g_bRoundEnding
// Offsets
const m_pPlayer = 41
// A const
const NADE_TYPE_INFECTION = 1111 // from main ZP plugin
// Plug info.
#define PLUG_VERSION "0.7"
#define PLUG_AUTH "meTaLiCroSS"
// Macros
#define zp_get_grenade_type(%1) (entity_get_int(%1, EV_INT_flTimeStepSound))
#define is_user_valid_connected(%1) (1 <= %1 <= g_iMaxPlayers && g_bIsConnected[%1])
[Init, CFG and Precache]
public plugin_init()
// Plugin Register
register_plugin("[ZP] Zombie Class: Swarm Zombie", PLUG_VERSION, PLUG_AUTH)
// Main events
register_event("HLTV", "event_RoundStart", "a", "1=0", "2=0")
// Hamsandwich Forwards
RegisterHam(Ham_Weapon_PrimaryAttack, "weapon_knife", "fw_KnifeAttack")
RegisterHam(Ham_Weapon_SecondaryAttack, "weapon_knife", "fw_KnifeAttack")
// Cvars
cvar_dmgmult = register_cvar("zp_swarm_damage_mult", "2.0")
cvar_surv_dmgmult = register_cvar("zp_swarm_surv_damage_mult", "3.0")
cvar_blockinfbomb_infect = register_cvar("zp_swarm_infbomb_infect", "1")
static szCvar[30]
formatex(szCvar, charsmax(szCvar), "v%s by %s", PLUG_VERSION, PLUG_AUTH)
register_cvar("zp_zclass_swarm", szCvar, FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_SPONLY)
// Vars
g_iMaxPlayers = get_maxplayers()
g_msgSayText = get_user_msgid("SayText")
public plugin_cfg()
// Do some cvars cache
public plugin_precache()
// Hamsandwich Forwards
RegisterHam(Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "fw_TakeDamage")
// Register the new class and store ID for reference
g_iSwarmZID = zp_register_zombie_class(zclass_name, zclass_info, zclass_model, zclass_clawmodel, zclass_health, zclass_speed, zclass_gravity, zclass_knockback)
[Main Events]
public event_RoundStart()
// Do some cvars cache
// Update bool
g_bRoundEnding = false
[Main Forwards]
public client_putinserver(id)
// Updating bool
g_bIsConnected[id] = true
public client_disconnect(id)
// Updating bool
g_bIsConnected[id] = false
public fw_KnifeAttack(knife)
// We need to block the Knife attack, because
// when has throwed an Infection bomb it can Kill/Infect
// with Knife, and will be a bug
// ----
// Get knife owner (player)
static iPlayer
iPlayer = get_pdata_cbase(knife, m_pPlayer, 4)
// Non-player entity
// Swarm zombie class, not a nemesis and has throwed a infection nade
if(zp_get_user_zombie_class(iPlayer) == g_iSwarmZID && !zp_get_user_nemesis(iPlayer) && zp_get_user_infection_nade(iPlayer) > 0)
public fw_TakeDamage(victim, inflictor, attacker, Float:damage, damagetype)
// In the Main ZP plugin, the TakeDamage forward is Superceded, so
// we need to register this in Precache to get it working again
// ----
// Non-player attacker, self attack, attacked by world, or isn't make damage by himself
if(!is_user_valid_connected(attacker) || victim == attacker || !attacker || attacker != inflictor)
// Swarm zombie class
if(zp_get_user_zombie(attacker) && zp_get_user_zombie_class(attacker) == g_iSwarmZID && !zp_get_user_nemesis(attacker) && !g_bRoundEnding)
// Get damage result (with survivor and human damage multiplier)
static Float:flDamageResult
flDamageResult = damage * (zp_get_user_survivor(victim) ? g_flCvar_SurvDmgMult : g_flCvar_DmgMult)
// Do damage again
ExecuteHam(Ham_TakeDamage, victim, inflictor, attacker, flDamageResult, damagetype)
// Stop here
[Zombie Plague Forwards]
public zp_user_infect_attempt(victim, infector, nemesis)
// Non-player infection or turned into a nemesis
if(!infector || nemesis)
// Check Swarm Zombie class and block infection.
// I'm detecting if is Zombie and isn't Nemesis because
// can be an infection by zp_infect_user native
if(zp_get_user_zombie_class(infector) == g_iSwarmZID && zp_get_user_zombie(infector) && !zp_get_user_nemesis(infector))
// With infection grenade then must kill or infect, defined by cvar.
if(zp_get_user_infection_nade(infector) > 0)
case true: return PLUGIN_CONTINUE // Infect
case false: ExecuteHamB(Ham_Killed, victim, infector, 0) // Kill
public zp_user_infected_post(id, infector, nemesis)
// It's the selected zombie class
if(zp_get_user_zombie_class(id) == g_iSwarmZID && !nemesis)
// My rofl message :D
client_printcolor(id, "/g[ZP]/y /g%s /yClass by /ctr%s/y", zclass_name, PLUG_AUTH)
public zp_round_ended(winteam)
// Update bool
g_bRoundEnding = true
[Internal Functions]
// Caching cvars
g_flCvar_DmgMult = get_pcvar_float(cvar_dmgmult)
g_flCvar_SurvDmgMult = get_pcvar_float(cvar_surv_dmgmult)
g_bCvar_Infbomb_Infect = bool:get_pcvar_num(cvar_blockinfbomb_infect)
stock zp_get_user_infection_nade(id)
static iNade
iNade = get_grenade(id)
if(iNade > 0 && is_valid_ent(iNade)
&& zp_get_grenade_type(iNade) == NADE_TYPE_INFECTION)
return iNade
return 0;
stock client_printcolor(id, const input[], any:...)
static iPlayersNum[32], iCount; iCount = 1
static szMsg[191]
vformat(szMsg, charsmax(szMsg), input, 3)
replace_all(szMsg, 190, "/g", "^4") // green txt
replace_all(szMsg, 190, "/y", "^1") // orange txt
replace_all(szMsg, 190, "/ctr", "^3") // team txt
replace_all(szMsg, 190, "/w", "^0") // team txt
if(id) iPlayersNum[0] = id
else get_players(iPlayersNum, iCount, "ch")
for (new i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
if (g_bIsConnected[iPlayersNum[i]])
message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, g_msgSayText, _, iPlayersNum[i])
plugins zplague
; - Quick tips -
; * Rename this file to disabled-zplague.ini to turn the mod off
; * Rename it back to plugins-zplague.ini to turn it on
; * Put a semi-colon in front of a plugin to disable it
; * Remove a semi-colon to re-enable a plugin
; * Add the word debug after a plugin to place it in debug mode
; Main plugin
; Default zombie classes
; Add custom game modes here
; Add sub-plugins, custom zombie classes, and extra items here
;----------------------------complementos dos plugins----------------------------;
compile.amxx ;|| tags para all
lasermine_023.amxx ;|| mina a laser =D
zm_thundercarabine.amxx ;|| upar arma sem bug
zp_zm-hm_kill_drop_ap_no-glow.amxx ;|| galinha que dropa ammopack
extra_precacher.amxx ;|| precache
;zp_countdown_remix.amxx ;|| contagem para infeccao
;Sistema_de_registro_2.0 ;|| banco de ammopacks
;AdminPrefixes.amxx ;|| tags
;AdminPrefixes_WHITE_CHAT.amxx ;|| tags
;----------------------------extra itens--------------------------;
;zp_dualnavy.amxx ;|| dual mp5
zm_guitarra_ouro.amxx ;|| guitarra de ouro
zp_dual_mp5.amxx ;|| dual mp5
zp_extra_dynamic_m4.amxx ;|| dynamic m4a1
Golden_xm1014.amxx ;|| doze automatica golden
zp_extra_unlimited_clip.amxx ;|| munição infinita
zp_extra_human_armor.amxx ;|| colete para humanos
zp_extra_multijump.amxx ;|| multi jump, pulo no ar para humanos
zp_carniceiro.amxx ;|| 500 de colete
zp_extra_salamander.amxx ;|| arma de fogo
;---------------------------classes de zombie--------------------;
;zp_zclass_witch.amxx ;|| zombie bruxa
;---------------------------complemento para vips----------------;
zm_vip.amxx ;|| vip zm
zm_vip_extra_unlimited_clip.amxx ;|| compra de bala infinita para vip
zm_vip_extra_bazooka.amxx ;|| bazooka + jetpack para vip
zp_vip_extra_human_armor.amxx ;|| colete para humanos
zm_vip_extra_buy_survnem.amx ;|| compra de survivor e nemesis
zm_darpacks2.amx ;|| dar packs
zp_extra_sniper.amxx ;|| compra de sniper
zp_extra_assassin.amxx ;|| compra de assassin
ve se ta dando incompartibilidade com algum aee
a e eu queria tambem um item extra de colete pq oq eu tenho ake e bugado tipo eu compro o colete ae só vem 10 ae eu compro + e fica no 10 so q vai gastando os pack pf ajuda..
e eu queria tbm plugin de survivor e nemesis separadamente pq o q eu tenho ta bugado quando eu compro survivor fala que eu comprei nemesis so que vem o survivor e tbm o nemesis da pra comprar a qualquer hora do jogo quando vira zm e tals alguem ajuda ae porfavor...
@edit o colete eu ja resolvi agora falta os outros alguem me ajuda plz
Última edição por godswar129 em 25/6/2012, 6:25 pm, editado 1 vez(es)