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Zplague Entrar

Seu portal de Zombie Plague no Brasil

description[PEDIDO] Bloqueando M2 no ZP 5.0 Empty[PEDIDO] Bloqueando M2 no ZP 5.0

Gostaria de bloquear acesso ao M2 antes do inicio do round para ZP 5.0, o Perfect até deu uma força mas ainda não está funcionando como deveria, APÓS começar o round o M2 continua bloqueado!

O plugin zp50_items.sma está assim (não vou botar a sma toda, somente o que foi alterado, o restante é original do plugin)


#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <amx_settings_api>
#include <zp50_colorchat>
#include <zp50_core_const>
#include <zp50_items_const>
#include <zp50_gamemodes>

// No items to display?
   if (zp_gamemodes_get_current() == ZP_NO_GAME_MODE)
      zp_colored_print(id, "^1ESPERE O ROUND INICIAR...")

OBS: Dessa forma compila normalmente, só que como já falei acima o plugin não reconhece que o round teve inicio e liberar o M2

description[PEDIDO] Bloqueando M2 no ZP 5.0 EmptyRe: [PEDIDO] Bloqueando M2 no ZP 5.0

EU até tentaria te ajudar mas não mexo muito com 5.0

description[PEDIDO] Bloqueando M2 no ZP 5.0 EmptyRe: [PEDIDO] Bloqueando M2 no ZP 5.0



 -*- [ZP] Items Manager -*-
 This plugin is part of Zombie Plague Mod and is distributed under the
 terms of the GNU General Public License. Check ZP_ReadMe.txt for details.

#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <amx_settings_api>
#include <zp50_colorchat>
#include <zp50_core_const>
#include <zp50_items_const>
#include <zp50_gamemodes>

// Extra Items file
new const ZP_EXTRAITEMS_FILE[] = "zp_extraitems.ini"

// CS Player PData Offsets (win32)

#define MAXPLAYERS 32

// For item list menu handlers
#define MENU_PAGE_ITEMS g_menu_data[id]
new g_menu_data[MAXPLAYERS+1]

new g_Forwards[TOTAL_FORWARDS]
new g_ForwardResult

// Items data
new Array:g_ItemRealName
new Array:g_ItemName
new Array:g_ItemCost
new g_ItemCount
new g_AdditionalMenuText[32]

public plugin_init()
 register_plugin("[ZP] Items Manager", ZP_VERSION_STRING, "ZP Dev Team")
 register_clcmd("say /items", "clcmd_items")
 register_clcmd("say items", "clcmd_items")
 g_Forwards[FW_ITEM_SELECT_PRE] = CreateMultiForward("zp_fw_items_select_pre", ET_CONTINUE, FP_CELL, FP_CELL, FP_CELL)
 g_Forwards[FW_ITEM_SELECT_POST] = CreateMultiForward("zp_fw_items_select_post", ET_IGNORE, FP_CELL, FP_CELL, FP_CELL)

public plugin_natives()
 register_native("zp_items_register", "native_items_register")
 register_native("zp_items_get_id", "native_items_get_id")
 register_native("zp_items_get_name", "native_items_get_name")
 register_native("zp_items_get_real_name", "native_items_get_real_name")
 register_native("zp_items_get_cost", "native_items_get_cost")
 register_native("zp_items_show_menu", "native_items_show_menu")
 register_native("zp_items_force_buy", "native_items_force_buy")
 register_native("zp_items_menu_text_add", "native_items_menu_text_add")
 // Initialize dynamic arrays
 g_ItemRealName = ArrayCreate(32, 1)
 g_ItemName = ArrayCreate(32, 1)
 g_ItemCost = ArrayCreate(1, 1)

public native_items_register(plugin_id, num_params)
 new name[32], cost = get_param(2)
 get_string(1, name, charsmax(name))
 if (strlen(name) < 1)
 log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZP] Can't register item with an empty name")
 new index, item_name[32]
 for (index = 0; index < g_ItemCount; index++)
 ArrayGetString(g_ItemRealName, index, item_name, charsmax(item_name))
 if (equali(name, item_name))
 log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZP] Item already registered (%s)", name)
 // Load settings from extra items file
 new real_name[32]
 copy(real_name, charsmax(real_name), name)
 ArrayPushString(g_ItemRealName, real_name)
 // Name
 if (!amx_load_setting_string(ZP_EXTRAITEMS_FILE, real_name, "NAME", name, charsmax(name)))
 amx_save_setting_string(ZP_EXTRAITEMS_FILE, real_name, "NAME", name)
 ArrayPushString(g_ItemName, name)
 // Cost
 if (!amx_load_setting_int(ZP_EXTRAITEMS_FILE, real_name, "COST", cost))
 amx_save_setting_int(ZP_EXTRAITEMS_FILE, real_name, "COST", cost)
 ArrayPushCell(g_ItemCost, cost)
 return g_ItemCount - 1;

public native_items_get_id(plugin_id, num_params)
 new real_name[32]
 get_string(1, real_name, charsmax(real_name))
 // Loop through every item
 new index, item_name[32]
 for (index = 0; index < g_ItemCount; index++)
 ArrayGetString(g_ItemRealName, index, item_name, charsmax(item_name))
 if (equali(real_name, item_name))
 return index;

public native_items_get_name(plugin_id, num_params)
 new item_id = get_param(1)
 if (item_id < 0 || item_id >= g_ItemCount)
 log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZP] Invalid item id (%d)", item_id)
 return false;
 new name[32]
 ArrayGetString(g_ItemName, item_id, name, charsmax(name))
 new len = get_param(3)
 set_string(2, name, len)
 return true;

public native_items_get_real_name(plugin_id, num_params)
 new item_id = get_param(1)
 if (item_id < 0 || item_id >= g_ItemCount)
 log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZP] Invalid item id (%d)", item_id)
 return false;
 new real_name[32]
 ArrayGetString(g_ItemRealName, item_id, real_name, charsmax(real_name))
 new len = get_param(3)
 set_string(2, real_name, len)
 return true;

public native_items_get_cost(plugin_id, num_params)
 new item_id = get_param(1)
 if (item_id < 0 || item_id >= g_ItemCount)
 log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZP] Invalid item id (%d)", item_id)
 return -1;
 return ArrayGetCell(g_ItemCost, item_id);

public native_items_show_menu(plugin_id, num_params)
 new id = get_param(1)
 if (!is_user_connected(id))
 log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZP] Invalid Player (%d)", id)
 return false;
 return true;

public native_items_force_buy(plugin_id, num_params)
 new id = get_param(1)
 if (!is_user_connected(id))
 log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZP] Invalid Player (%d)", id)
 return false;
 new item_id = get_param(2)
 if (item_id < 0 || item_id >= g_ItemCount)
 log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZP] Invalid item id (%d)", item_id)
 return false;
 new ignorecost = get_param(3)
 buy_item(id, item_id, ignorecost)
 return true;

public native_items_menu_text_add(plugin_id, num_params)
 static text[32]
 get_string(1, text, charsmax(text))
 format(g_AdditionalMenuText, charsmax(g_AdditionalMenuText), "%s%s", g_AdditionalMenuText, text)

public client_disconnect(id)
 // Reset remembered menu pages

public clcmd_items(id)
 // Player dead
 if (!is_user_alive(id))

// Items Menu
 if (zp_gamemodes_get_current() == ZP_NO_GAME_MODE)
 zp_colored_print(id, "^1ESPERE O ROUND INICIAR...")

 static menu[128], name[32], cost, transkey[64]
 new menuid, index, itemdata[2]
 // Title
 formatex(menu, charsmax(menu), "%L:\r", id, "MENU_EXTRABUY")
 menuid = menu_create(menu, "menu_extraitems")
 // Item List
 for (index = 0; index < g_ItemCount; index++)
 // Additional text to display
 g_AdditionalMenuText[0] = 0
 // Execute item select attempt forward
 ExecuteForward(g_Forwards[FW_ITEM_SELECT_PRE], g_ForwardResult, id, index, 0)
 // Show item to player?
 if (g_ForwardResult >= ZP_ITEM_DONT_SHOW)
 // Add Item Name and Cost
 ArrayGetString(g_ItemName, index, name, charsmax(name))
 cost = ArrayGetCell(g_ItemCost, index)
 // ML support for item name
 formatex(transkey, charsmax(transkey), "ITEMNAME %s", name)
 if (GetLangTransKey(transkey) != TransKey_Bad) formatex(name, charsmax(name), "%L", id, transkey)
 // Item available to player?
 if (g_ForwardResult >= ZP_ITEM_NOT_AVAILABLE)
 formatex(menu, charsmax(menu), "\d%s %d %s", name, cost, g_AdditionalMenuText)
 formatex(menu, charsmax(menu), "%s \y%d \w%s", name, cost, g_AdditionalMenuText)
 itemdata[0] = index
 itemdata[1] = 0
 menu_additem(menuid, menu, itemdata)
 // No items to display?
 if (menu_items(menuid) <= 0)
 zp_colored_print(id, "%L", id, "NO_EXTRA_ITEMS")
 // Back - Next - Exit
 formatex(menu, charsmax(menu), "%L", id, "MENU_BACK")
 menu_setprop(menuid, MPROP_BACKNAME, menu)
 formatex(menu, charsmax(menu), "%L", id, "MENU_NEXT")
 menu_setprop(menuid, MPROP_NEXTNAME, menu)
 formatex(menu, charsmax(menu), "%L", id, "MENU_EXIT")
 menu_setprop(menuid, MPROP_EXITNAME, menu)
 // If remembered page is greater than number of pages, clamp down the value
 MENU_PAGE_ITEMS = min(MENU_PAGE_ITEMS, menu_pages(menuid)-1)
 // Fix for AMXX custom menus
 set_pdata_int(id, OFFSET_CSMENUCODE, 0)
 menu_display(id, menuid, MENU_PAGE_ITEMS)

// Items Menu
public menu_extraitems(id, menuid, item)
 // Menu was closed
 if (item == MENU_EXIT)
 // Remember items menu page
 MENU_PAGE_ITEMS = item / 7
 // Dead players are not allowed to buy items
 if (!is_user_alive(id))
 // Retrieve item id
 new itemdata[2], dummy, itemid
 menu_item_getinfo(menuid, item, dummy, itemdata, charsmax(itemdata), _, _, dummy)
 itemid = itemdata[0]
 // Attempt to buy the item
 buy_item(id, itemid)

// Buy Item
buy_item(id, itemid, ignorecost = 0)
 // Execute item select attempt forward
 ExecuteForward(g_Forwards[FW_ITEM_SELECT_PRE], g_ForwardResult, id, itemid, ignorecost)
 // Item available to player?
 if (g_ForwardResult >= ZP_ITEM_NOT_AVAILABLE)
 // Execute item selected forward
 ExecuteForward(g_Forwards[FW_ITEM_SELECT_POST], g_ForwardResult, id, itemid, ignorecost)

description[PEDIDO] Bloqueando M2 no ZP 5.0 EmptyRe: [PEDIDO] Bloqueando M2 no ZP 5.0

abre a lang zombie_plague.txt e adicione uma nova linha com esse nome


coloque a msg que querer ex:

CANT_BUYITEM_NOW = Não pode abrir os Menu antes do Round começar!

como o seu e so pra steam acho que pode usar os acento


#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <amx_settings_api>
#include <zp50_colorchat>
#include <zp50_items_const>
#include <zp50_gamemodes>

// Extra Items file
new const ZP_EXTRAITEMS_FILE[] = "zp_extraitems.ini"

// CS Player PData Offsets (win32)

#define MAXPLAYERS 32

// For item list menu handlers
#define MENU_PAGE_ITEMS g_menu_data[id]
new g_menu_data[MAXPLAYERS+1]

new g_Forwards[TOTAL_FORWARDS]
new g_ForwardResult

// Items data
new Array:g_ItemRealName
new Array:g_ItemName
new Array:g_ItemCost
new g_ItemCount
new g_AdditionalMenuText[32]

new g_iRoundStarted;

public plugin_init()
 register_plugin("[ZP] Items Manager", ZP_VERSION_STRING, "ZP Dev Team")
 register_clcmd("say /items", "clcmd_items")
 register_clcmd("say items", "clcmd_items")
 g_Forwards[FW_ITEM_SELECT_PRE] = CreateMultiForward("zp_fw_items_select_pre", ET_CONTINUE, FP_CELL, FP_CELL, FP_CELL)
 g_Forwards[FW_ITEM_SELECT_POST] = CreateMultiForward("zp_fw_items_select_post", ET_IGNORE, FP_CELL, FP_CELL, FP_CELL)

public plugin_natives()
 register_native("zp_items_register", "native_items_register")
 register_native("zp_items_get_id", "native_items_get_id")
 register_native("zp_items_get_name", "native_items_get_name")
 register_native("zp_items_get_real_name", "native_items_get_real_name")
 register_native("zp_items_get_cost", "native_items_get_cost")
 register_native("zp_items_show_menu", "native_items_show_menu")
 register_native("zp_items_force_buy", "native_items_force_buy")
 register_native("zp_items_menu_text_add", "native_items_menu_text_add")
 // Initialize dynamic arrays
 g_ItemRealName = ArrayCreate(32, 1)
 g_ItemName = ArrayCreate(32, 1)
 g_ItemCost = ArrayCreate(1, 1)

public zp_fw_gamemodes_end()
 g_iRoundStarted = 0;

public zp_fw_gamemodes_start()
 g_iRoundStarted = 1;

public native_items_register(plugin_id, num_params)
 new name[32], cost = get_param(2)
 get_string(1, name, charsmax(name))
 if (strlen(name) < 1)
 log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZP] Can't register item with an empty name")
 new index, item_name[32]
 for (index = 0; index < g_ItemCount; index++)
 ArrayGetString(g_ItemRealName, index, item_name, charsmax(item_name))
 if (equali(name, item_name))
 log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZP] Item already registered (%s)", name)
 // Load settings from extra items file
 new real_name[32]
 copy(real_name, charsmax(real_name), name)
 ArrayPushString(g_ItemRealName, real_name)
 // Name
 if (!amx_load_setting_string(ZP_EXTRAITEMS_FILE, real_name, "NAME", name, charsmax(name)))
 amx_save_setting_string(ZP_EXTRAITEMS_FILE, real_name, "NAME", name)
 ArrayPushString(g_ItemName, name)
 // Cost
 if (!amx_load_setting_int(ZP_EXTRAITEMS_FILE, real_name, "COST", cost))
 amx_save_setting_int(ZP_EXTRAITEMS_FILE, real_name, "COST", cost)
 ArrayPushCell(g_ItemCost, cost)
 return g_ItemCount - 1;

public native_items_get_id(plugin_id, num_params)
 new real_name[32]
 get_string(1, real_name, charsmax(real_name))
 // Loop through every item
 new index, item_name[32]
 for (index = 0; index < g_ItemCount; index++)
 ArrayGetString(g_ItemRealName, index, item_name, charsmax(item_name))
 if (equali(real_name, item_name))
 return index;

public native_items_get_name(plugin_id, num_params)
 new item_id = get_param(1)
 if (item_id < 0 || item_id >= g_ItemCount)
 log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZP] Invalid item id (%d)", item_id)
 return false;
 new name[32]
 ArrayGetString(g_ItemName, item_id, name, charsmax(name))
 new len = get_param(3)
 set_string(2, name, len)
 return true;

public native_items_get_real_name(plugin_id, num_params)
 new item_id = get_param(1)
 if (item_id < 0 || item_id >= g_ItemCount)
 log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZP] Invalid item id (%d)", item_id)
 return false;
 new real_name[32]
 ArrayGetString(g_ItemRealName, item_id, real_name, charsmax(real_name))
 new len = get_param(3)
 set_string(2, real_name, len)
 return true;

public native_items_get_cost(plugin_id, num_params)
 new item_id = get_param(1)
 if (item_id < 0 || item_id >= g_ItemCount)
 log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZP] Invalid item id (%d)", item_id)
 return -1;
 return ArrayGetCell(g_ItemCost, item_id);

public native_items_show_menu(plugin_id, num_params)
 new id = get_param(1)
 if (!is_user_connected(id))
 log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZP] Invalid Player (%d)", id)
 return false;
 return true;

public native_items_force_buy(plugin_id, num_params)
 new id = get_param(1)
 if (!is_user_connected(id))
 log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZP] Invalid Player (%d)", id)
 return false;
 new item_id = get_param(2)
 if (item_id < 0 || item_id >= g_ItemCount)
 log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "[ZP] Invalid item id (%d)", item_id)
 return false;
 new ignorecost = get_param(3)
 buy_item(id, item_id, ignorecost)
 return true;

public native_items_menu_text_add(plugin_id, num_params)
 static text[32]
 get_string(1, text, charsmax(text))
 format(g_AdditionalMenuText, charsmax(g_AdditionalMenuText), "%s%s", g_AdditionalMenuText, text)

public client_disconnect(id)
 // Reset remembered menu pages

public clcmd_items(id)
 // Player dead
 if (!is_user_alive(id))

 if (!g_iRoundStarted)
 zp_colored_print(id, "%L", id, "CANT_BUYITEM_NOW");

// Items Menu
 static menu[128], name[32], cost, transkey[64]
 new menuid, index, itemdata[2]
 // Title
 formatex(menu, charsmax(menu), "%L:\r", id, "MENU_EXTRABUY")
 menuid = menu_create(menu, "menu_extraitems")
 // Item List
 for (index = 0; index < g_ItemCount; index++)
 // Additional text to display
 g_AdditionalMenuText[0] = 0
 // Execute item select attempt forward
 ExecuteForward(g_Forwards[FW_ITEM_SELECT_PRE], g_ForwardResult, id, index, 0)
 // Show item to player?
 if (g_ForwardResult >= ZP_ITEM_DONT_SHOW)
 // Add Item Name and Cost
 ArrayGetString(g_ItemName, index, name, charsmax(name))
 cost = ArrayGetCell(g_ItemCost, index)
 // ML support for item name
 formatex(transkey, charsmax(transkey), "ITEMNAME %s", name)
 if (GetLangTransKey(transkey) != TransKey_Bad) formatex(name, charsmax(name), "%L", id, transkey)
 // Item available to player?
 if (g_ForwardResult >= ZP_ITEM_NOT_AVAILABLE)
 formatex(menu, charsmax(menu), "\d%s %d %s", name, cost, g_AdditionalMenuText)
 formatex(menu, charsmax(menu), "%s \y%d \w%s", name, cost, g_AdditionalMenuText)
 itemdata[0] = index
 itemdata[1] = 0
 menu_additem(menuid, menu, itemdata)
 // No items to display?
 if (menu_items(menuid) <= 0)
 zp_colored_print(id, "%L", id, "NO_EXTRA_ITEMS")
 // Back - Next - Exit
 formatex(menu, charsmax(menu), "%L", id, "MENU_BACK")
 menu_setprop(menuid, MPROP_BACKNAME, menu)
 formatex(menu, charsmax(menu), "%L", id, "MENU_NEXT")
 menu_setprop(menuid, MPROP_NEXTNAME, menu)
 formatex(menu, charsmax(menu), "%L", id, "MENU_EXIT")
 menu_setprop(menuid, MPROP_EXITNAME, menu)
 // If remembered page is greater than number of pages, clamp down the value
 MENU_PAGE_ITEMS = min(MENU_PAGE_ITEMS, menu_pages(menuid)-1)
 // Fix for AMXX custom menus
 set_pdata_int(id, OFFSET_CSMENUCODE, 0)
 menu_display(id, menuid, MENU_PAGE_ITEMS)

// Items Menu
public menu_extraitems(id, menuid, item)
 // Menu was closed
 if (item == MENU_EXIT)
 // Remember items menu page
 MENU_PAGE_ITEMS = item / 7
 // Dead players are not allowed to buy items
 if (!is_user_alive(id))
 // Retrieve item id
 new itemdata[2], dummy, itemid
 menu_item_getinfo(menuid, item, dummy, itemdata, charsmax(itemdata), _, _, dummy)
 itemid = itemdata[0]
 // Attempt to buy the item
 buy_item(id, itemid)

// Buy Item
buy_item(id, itemid, ignorecost = 0)
 // Execute item select attempt forward
 ExecuteForward(g_Forwards[FW_ITEM_SELECT_PRE], g_ForwardResult, id, itemid, ignorecost)
 // Item available to player?
 if (g_ForwardResult >= ZP_ITEM_NOT_AVAILABLE)
 // Execute item selected forward
 ExecuteForward(g_Forwards[FW_ITEM_SELECT_POST], g_ForwardResult, id, itemid, ignorecost)

description[PEDIDO] Bloqueando M2 no ZP 5.0 EmptyRe: [PEDIDO] Bloqueando M2 no ZP 5.0

privacy_tip Permissões neste sub-fórum
Não podes responder a tópicos
power_settings_newInicie sessão para responder