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descriptionpredator - [ZP] Predator vs Survivor Empty[ZP] Predator vs Survivor

Predator vs Survivor



#include <      amxmodx >
#include <      fun >
#include <      zpa_new_modes >

|                  Customizations Section                    |
|        You can edit here according to your liking        |

// This is the chance value according to which this game mode will be called
// The higher the value the lesser the chance of calling this game mode
new const g_chance = 30

// This is the access flag required to start the game mode
// through the admin menu. Look in users.ini for more details
new const g_access_flag[] = "l"

// This is the sound which is played when the game mode is triggered
// Add as many as you want [Randomly chosen if more than one]
new const g_play_sounds[][] =
  "zombie_plague/nemesis1.wav" ,

// Comment the following line to disable ambience sounds
// Just add two slashes ( // )

// Ambience Sounds (only .wav and .mp3 formats supported)
// Add as many as you want [Randomly chosen if more than one]
new const g_sound_ambience[][] =

// Duration in seconds of each sound
new const Float:g_sound_ambience_duration[] = { 58.0 , 56.0 }

|                  Customizations Ends Here..!!              |
|        You can edit the cvars in the plugin init          |

// Variables
new g_gameid, g_maxplayers, cvar_minplayers, cvar_ratio, cvar_survivorhp, cvar_predatorhp, g_msg_sync

// Ambience sounds task
#define TASK_AMB 3256

public plugin_init( )
  // Plugin registeration.
  register_plugin( "[ZP] Survivor x Predator","1.0", "@bdul! | [D]etonado[R]" )
  // Register some cvars
  // Edit these according to your liking
  cvar_minplayers = register_cvar("zp_nvsm_minplayers", "2")
  cvar_survivorhp =    register_cvar("zp_nvsm_survivor_hp", "1.0")
  cvar_predatorhp =    register_cvar("zp_nvsm_predator_hp", "0.2")
  cvar_ratio =      register_cvar("zp_nvsm_inf_ratio", "0.5")
  // Get maxplayers
  g_maxplayers = get_maxplayers( )
  // Hud stuff
  g_msg_sync = CreateHudSyncObj()

// Game modes MUST be registered in plugin precache ONLY
public plugin_precache( )
  // Read the access flag
  new access_flag = read_flags( g_access_flag )
  new i
  // Precache the play sounds
  for (i = 0; i < sizeof g_play_sounds; i++)
      precache_sound( g_play_sounds[i] )
  // Precache the ambience sounds
  #if defined AMBIENCE_SOUNDS
  new sound[100]
  for (i = 0; i < sizeof g_sound_ambience; i++)
      if (equal(g_sound_ambience[i][strlen(g_sound_ambience[i])-4], ".mp3"))
        formatex(sound, sizeof sound - 1, "sound/%s", g_sound_ambience[i])
        precache_generic( sound )
        precache_sound( g_sound_ambience[i] )
  // Register our game mode
  g_gameid = zp_register_game_mode( "Predator vs Survivor Mode", access_flag, g_chance, 0, ZP_DM_BALANCE )

// Player spawn post
public zp_player_spawn_post( id )
  // Check for current mode
  if( zp_get_current_mode() == g_gameid )
      // Check if the player is a zombie
      if( zp_get_user_zombie( id ))
        // Make him an predator instead
        zp_make_user_predator( id )
        // Set his health
        set_user_health( id, floatround(get_user_health(id) * get_pcvar_float(cvar_predatorhp)) )
        // Make him a Survivor
        zp_make_user_survivor( id )
        // Set his health
        set_user_health( id, floatround(get_user_health(id) * get_pcvar_float(cvar_survivorhp)) )

public zp_round_started_pre( game )
  // Check if it is our game mode
  if( game == g_gameid )
      // Check for min players
      if( fn_get_alive_players() < get_pcvar_num(cvar_minplayers) )
          * Note:
          * This very necessary, you should return ZP_PLUGIN_HANDLED if
          * some conditions required by your game mode are not met
          * This will inform the main plugin that you have rejected
          * the offer and so the main plugin will allow other game modes
          * to be given a chance
        return ZP_PLUGIN_HANDLED
      // Start our new mode
      start_nvs_mode( )
  // Make the compiler happy =)

public zp_round_started( game, id )
  // Check if it is our game mode
  if( game == g_gameid )
      // Show HUD notice
      set_hudmessage(221, 156, 21, -1.0, 0.17, 1, 0.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1)
      ShowSyncHudMsg(0, g_msg_sync, "Survivor vs Predator")
      // Play the starting sound
      client_cmd(0, "spk ^"%s^"", g_play_sounds[ random_num(0, sizeof g_play_sounds -1) ] )
      // Remove ambience task affects
      remove_task( TASK_AMB )
      // Set task to start ambience sounds
      #if defined AMBIENCE_SOUNDS
      set_task( 2.0, "start_ambience_sounds", TASK_AMB )

public zp_game_mode_selected( gameid, id )
  // Check if our game mode was called
  if( gameid == g_gameid )
      start_nvs_mode( )
  // Make the compiler happy again =)

// This function contains the whole code behind this game mode
start_nvs_mode( )
  // Create and initialize some important vars
  static i_predator, i_max_predator, id, i_alive
  i_alive = fn_get_alive_players()
  id = 0
  // Get the no of players we have to turn into predator
  i_max_predator = floatround( ( i_alive * get_pcvar_float( cvar_ratio ) ), floatround_ceil )
  i_predator = 0
  // Randomly turn players into predator
  while (i_predator < i_max_predator)
      // Keep looping through all players
      if ( (++id) > g_maxplayers) id = 1
      // Dead
      if ( !is_user_alive(id) )
      // Random chance
      if (random_num(1, 5) == 1)
        // Make user predator
        // Set his health
        set_user_health( id, floatround(get_user_health(id) * get_pcvar_float(cvar_predatorhp)) )
        // Increase counter
  // Turn the remaining players into survivor
  for (id = 1; id <= g_maxplayers; id++)
      // Only those of them who are alive and are not predator
      if ( !is_user_alive(id) || zp_get_user_predator(id) )
      // Turn into a survivor
      // Set his health
      set_user_health( id, floatround(get_user_health(id) * get_pcvar_float(cvar_survivorhp)) )

public start_ambience_sounds( )
  // Variables
  static amb_sound[64], sound, Float:duration
  // Select our ambience sound
  sound = random_num( 0, sizeof g_sound_ambience - 1 )
  copy( amb_sound, sizeof amb_sound - 1 , g_sound_ambience[ sound ] )
  duration = g_sound_ambience_duration[ sound ]
  // Check whether it's a wav or mp3, then play it on clients
  if ( equal( amb_sound[ strlen( amb_sound ) - 4 ], ".mp3" ) )
      client_cmd( 0, "mp3 play ^"sound/%s^"", amb_sound )
      client_cmd( 0, "spk ^"%s^"", sound )
  // Start the ambience sounds
  set_task( duration, "start_ambience_sounds", TASK_AMB )
public zp_round_ended( winteam )
  // Stop ambience sounds on round end
  remove_task( TASK_AMB )
  client_cmd(winteam, "mp3 stop")  // Para nao bugar o som quando o round acabar caso seja em Mp3

// This function returns the no. of alive players
// Feel free to use this in your plugin when you
// are making your own game modes.
fn_get_alive_players( )
  static i_alive, id
  i_alive = 0
  for ( id = 1; id <= g_maxplayers; id++ )
      if( is_user_alive( id ) )
  return i_alive;

descriptionpredator - [ZP] Predator vs Survivor EmptyRe: [ZP] Predator vs Survivor

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